Quality Engineered Components information…
Thanks for visiting this web site!
As some of you have found there have been some big changes in the website layout. The world of high-tech just doesn’t like to leave well enough alone and these are the results. Too many rules and requirements in ‘their’ world and sometimes hard to keep up. Additionally, some photos are ‘unavailable’ and I haven’t figured out the process to get new pics to show up. Yup, a bit techno-challenged.
There are many parts in inventory that are not shown on the Inventory Reduction page. Please call if you have a particular part that you are looking for.
Prices shown are accurate for the day that you read them. It is best to verify before ordering.
Freight charges are additional to any listed prices.
The ‘big’ news is that this website, the business and all inventory is available for purchase. If you have the desire and energy to run the shop it could be yours. Send an email to hemi.parts@yahoo.com and tell me your story.