
Quality Engineered Components information…

Thanks for visiting this web site!
As some of you have found there have been some big changes in the website layout. The world of high-tech just doesn’t like to leave well enough alone and these are the results. Too many rules and requirements in ‘their’ world and sometimes hard to keep up.

OK folks, here is the deal. I don’t like ‘secrets’ so I won’t be keeping any. This web site will offer all of the useable information that I have in regards to the EarlyHemi engines and the ‘Poly’ engines that are based on the EarlyHemi block. As appropriate, I will include ‘A’ series engine info and some Flathead 6 & 8 info.

QEC Adapters and specialty parts are designed in-house to make use of newer, more readily available parts. I don’t think there is much argument on the benefits of a 5-6 speed manual or a TorqueFlite with overdrive.

New information is being added on an on-going basis. Please check back.

I welcome questions and hopefully, will have answers. If you have any suggestions for additions to this site please use the contact page to send me a note.
NOTE: the contact page is temporarily ‘out-of-service’ due to a recent and massive spam attack. Please call with questions.

Prices shown are accurate for the day that you read them.  It is best to verify before ordering.
Freight charges are additional to any listed prices.